
About a year ago I decided I wanted to build something with my hands, for fun, and for when the grid goes down and I have to fell trees and build shelter. I’m kidding mostly!

Anyway, I found a woodworking class nearby-ish and signed up for the bookcase class. And I went and built a bookcase and learned all about

  • Lumber, S3S, and how to avoid the ~twist~
  • Miter saws and crosscuts
  • Jointers and the importance of a straight edge (me in highschool)
  • Table saws and robotically avoiding a disaster
  • The ease of planers
  • Dados and rabbets! Dattos and rabbits! Doodoos and doodahs!
  • Pockets holes and an intro to jigs and all their wonder
  • Wood glue, wood glue everywhere!
  • Edge jointing, I think that’s what it’s called :)
  • The joy and wonder of a router and how I called it a beveller for… too long
  • And much, much more!

And at the end, I had a functional bookcase, tadaaaa, made of poplar wood

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I painted it a sage green because my partner and I love us a sage green!! I’ll go ahead and ignore any scoffs about painting wood.


I signed up for the intermediate class peeps!!! I won’t walk through the rigamarole that was me figuring out how to even approach this class. But fast-forward, and I found some plans for a coffee table that I wanted to make and went forth.

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And to say this is my pride and joy… is true. I love this thing. I could wax poetic about it forever, but here’s a pic. My baby.

I caught the bug, I love making things from wood. I’m currently building a bed frame for a dog bed because that is who. I. am. Stay tuned!

P.S. A lil side project to hold my morning cups of tea while I read!!

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