
Well, here we go. I've made a website, I'm not sure if it'll get hacked? I don't know how hacking works? Please don't hurt me. But yeah, I'm gonna assume no one is gonna be a jerk. Which means I'm gonna make an ass out of you and me. Mostly me. How did you get here? I have no idea. But how did I get here?

  1. My Squarespace website was annoying me how expensive it was, I mean, the website was mostly a vanity project so it was... a waste of money
  2. I realized I'm a programmer, I could probably make this myself...
  3. So I figured it out and made this little diddy 🤷

The main point of this website is for my photography, or what was my photography, in the hopes that maybe it'll inspire me again to take some snippity snaps. So you can find all that stuff, sorry if the formatting is messed up, I didn't dive tooooo deep into CSS 🏊.

But otherwise, I kind of wanted a journal, which seems silly, cause this is public, but there are some things I thought might be cool to just blog about! How 2004 of me!! You're not mad about it, you're probably my mum or my partner so you're just loving this anyway cause you think I'm so dang cute. Hi mum and Lace 👋.

So what can you expect?

Well shoot, I dunno! I was thinking maybe some stuff like:

  • Football (This one ⚽ not that one 🏈)
  • Data engineering, cause I'm a professional gal!! And I think it's really neat!! Fight me!!
  • Queerness and non-monogamy-ness - cause I'm the expert. LOL.
  • Photography... if I can get the ✨ spark ✨ back
  • Anything else I want, this is my blog! Back off!
  • Sorry. That was aggressive.

Stay tuned!

